2nd November 3 pm Rights of Nature and Artistic Practice
You are cordially invited to the third event as part of Divoká Šárka residency at INI, offering a lecture and a workshop with Lucia Bergamaschi, focusing on the rights of nature also in artistic practice. In the presentation you will be introduced into prominent cases of nature rights recognition, such as the Mar Menor Lagune, the very first case of such recognition inEurope. We will also present the "Confluences of European Water Bodies" initiative, as an example of intertwining artistic, activist, and legal approaches, which promote an ecocentric view of the world. Lucia Bergamaschi will, in an interdisciplinary approach, expound her art project
"Garden Me Tender"; in which she explores the impact of spontaneously growing plants in anthropogenically influenced urban environment. During the workshop we will assume a speculative approach to legislation and attempt to present legal institutions from the viewpoint of living forces, inhabiting them.Lucia Bergamaschi read law at the University in Bologna (2012), and Fine Arts at IUAV, Venice (2019). In 2024 she finished her studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno, where now she proceeds with her doctoral studies. Lucia cooperates with the Agronauts*Collective, as well as the Italian Corpi Idrici. She is the organizer of Všude Rajče Symposium, interconnecting FaVU Brno students and graduates. In her research “Garden Me Tender” she explores the notion legal personality, which she interprets as the product of society at a given historical period, casting doubt on its fictitious construction by means of her artistic practice.“Divoká Šárka” is an artistic project, taking place in a Nature Reserve of the same name, and focusing on the possibilities of landscape protection and human-nature relationships.
This is already the 5th year of the activity on the boundary between visual art and performance, accentuating environmental issues and interdisciplinary cooperation. The project, initiated by David Přílučík in 2019, continues since 2021 in cooperation with Sára Märc and Ruta Putramentaite. Here “Divoká Šárka” is understood as an entity and a (male/female) partner, with whom modes of mutual cohabitation are being sought. By continually developing more and more sensitivity to the “Divoká Šárka” location, the project attempts to contribute to the understanding of contemporary environmental calls.
The event can take place thanks to the kind support of the Czech Ministry of Culture and the City of Prague.

17th October 5 pm Divoká Šárka´s Lines and Resistence
You are cordially invited to the already second event of the Divoká Šárka Project. This year it takes place in cooperation with the INI Project Residential Program. Join us on 17th October at 17.00 at a session with Anthropologist Bob Kuřík and let us explore together the possibilities of more-than-human resistance! We will warm up at the fire after the lecture, creating a herbarium with the use of coal and earth from the Divoká Šárka location. You will also have a chance to taste beverages prepared from plants we obtained from our previous plucking with Lenka Kubelová.
17.00- 18.00 ResisTerra: A Bestiary of Resistence for Late Anthropocene
18.00- 20.00 Creation of herbarium and tasting of Divoká Šárka beverages
ResisTerra: A Bestiary of Resistence for Late Anthropocene
Who rebels and who stands in solidarity with whom? Who, how and against whom claims freedom and justice? What rights and duties arise from acknowledging the ability to exert a political influence? Who strikes aliance or coalitions with whom? These questions, considered exclusively human for a long time, appear to be, in Anthropocene - an era of determining human influence, more than human. In his lecture Bob will introduce various practices and potentials of the so-called more-than-human resistance, which he studies and ponders upon with his colleagues at the ResisTerra Research Center.
Bob Kuřík is a political and environmental anthropologist, engaged at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague. He was editor of the A-Kontra magazine and took an active part in anti-racist and anti-fascist movements. Among his interests ranks punk subculture, unrests, decolonisation, plantations, infrastructures nad climate crisis. He is also part of the Resistance Terra Project, exploring the more-than-human resistance with focus on Central and Eastern Europe.
"Divoká (Wild) Šárka" is an artistic project taking place at a nature reserve of the same name. It explores the possibilities of landscape protection and human-nature relationship. Now we have the 5th year of this activity moving along the boundary between visual art and performance, emphasizing environmental issues and interdisciplinary cooperation. The project, initiated by David Přílučík in 2019, has been developing since 2021 with Sara Märc and Rita Putramentaite. In it Divoká Šárka is understood as an entity and partner, with whom ways of mutual co-existence are sought. By means of longterm efforts to increase our sensitivity toward this location, the artists seek to contribute to our understanding of contemporary environmental challenges.
The event can take place thanks to the kind support of the Czech Ministry of Culture and the City of Prague.