01. 04. – 30. 04. 2019
Natálie Rajnišová, Zuzana Sceranková
A Desert Island Protects 15 000 Inhabitants

INI Space is the organizer of a long-term work-in-progress show of costumes and music listening as part of Zuzana Sceranková’s and Natálie Rajnišová’s project. Come and rest on the Desert Island. You are welcome to visit any time between 5 pm – 10 pm. Drinks included!
An Island as a Mental Space
The authors have organized an encounter on a Desert Island. An island is a piece of land, smaller than a continent and bigger than a rock, surrounded by water. ‘Desert’ can mean: uninhabited, monotone, gloomy, dismal, boring. “We would like to imagine, together with the viewers, that the Desert Island is a place where we actually live. And it has an independent, isolated ecosystem, where specific rules apply”.
From the viewpoint of the development of individuals, islands represent a special environment. Due to lack of food, we meet here e.g. with forms of nanism, or, quite on the contrary, with forms of gigantism due to lack of natural predators.
The viewers will have the chance to gradually meet all the inhabitants, who are: The Glacier; The Cyclops; Traffic Lights at the Runway, which cuts the island in two halves; The Erratic Stone; The Other Erratic Stone; A Gigantic Form of Pleurophyllum criniferum; A Dying Sea Animal; The Ice-Cream Man on the Beach; The Small Fire; The Insects; The Coconuts; The Dwarf Elephant; The Color-Blind Inhabitant, etc.
These encounters will be accompanied by music with the following tracks:
1. Desert Island Protects 15000 Inhabitants (Michaela Švédová, Kyklos Galaktikos)
2. Nanisms and Gigantisms (Anders Christopherson, WSLS Records)
3. The Airplanes Seem to Be Empty (Honza Tomšů, No.C)
4. The Cyclops (Johannes van Bebber)
5. The Erratic Stone (Vojtěch Šaroun, Euclio)
6. We all Shall Burn (Natálie Rajnišová)
7. How can you find out that the sand in your garden bears affinity to a glacier? (Matyáš Bartoň, Rawdeus)
8. Pictures of Elves on the Beach (Alfréd Schubert and Ján Mesány)
Now we ask the question, will the island still be deserted?

Berau Regency in Eastern Borneo is a territory with the highest biodiversity in the whole world, boasting with the oldest and very beautiful coral reefs, more than 880 species of fish, ray and huge manta ray, 23 dolphin and whale species, you can meet sharks here and rarely some of the last dugong. Above all the region is the home of sea turtles; local small islands are the 8 th most important breeding ground of green sea turtle in the world. The nowadays
very rare, critically endangered hawksbill sea turtle also come here to feast.
However, the amazing natural riches of Eastern Borneo are quickly
disappearing. Hana Svobodová in cooperation with local organization Konservasi Biota Laut Berau has been striving to help protect these riches and especially sea turtle for several years now. She also acts as a consultant for other, sea turtle protecting organizations. Do you wish to know how a person from a country without a sea can become a conservationist in the Tropics and what is entails, how the problems of nature are related to the culture of locals, how the relationship of people toward nature can be shifted
or how you could help? You are welcome…
“A Desert Island Protects 15.000 Inhabitants” is an encounter of the viewers with inhabitants of a secluded island. The authors’ Natálie Rajnišová and Zuzana Sceranková’s interest is to explore the composition of the island’s population both from a fictitious and biological viewpoint. As part of the accompanying program you may be interested to hear a lecture by Hanka Svobodová, who has dealt with the salvation of the endangered population of Indonesia and surrounding seas in the long run.
ZUZANA SCERANKOVÁ (*1993) devotes herself to theatre on the boundary with visual arts and dancing. In 2018 together with choreographer Martina Hajdyla Lacová she participated in creating a dancing performance Assemblage at the Alta Studio, exploring stage design as an obstacle to movement. In the Montovna performance for creators and viewers as part of the 4+4 Days in Motion Festival she, together with Petr Erbes and Honza Tomšů dealt with the topic of labor and leisure. At the turn of 2017/18 Zuzana took part in a study visit at the Justus-Liebig Universität, Dpt. of Choreography
and Performance in Giessen, Germany. Zuzana is an active member of an independent creative group of 8people, with whom she created the Press Paradox performance, currently on the Disk Theater repertoire.
NATÁLIE RAJNIŠOVÁ (*1994) is mainly interested in theater on the boundary with the fine arts. In 2015 she created, together with Elie Dumas, an original performance Chamber of Minds at the MeetFactory Theater, exploring the analogue material in digital era. In 2016, the PAVILON project came into being at the Disk Theater, by Natálie in team of authors with Anežka Kalivodová and Mikuláš Zika. At the turn of 2017/18 Natálie took part in a study visit to the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallin. In 2018 she was the stage designer and literary manager for the Hopi-land performance directed by Viktorie Vášová, created for the Prague Alfred ve Dvoře Theater. Both authors study for their Master’s degree in Stage Design at the Alternative and Puppet Theater Department (DAMU). In 2016 they participated in a small creative team with Klára Hutečková and Jiří Adámek in the “skončí to ústa” (it will quit the lips) performance at the Disk Theater, exploring stage design as
an autonomous part of a performance, and the relationship between the body and an object. In the project A Desert Island Protects 15.000 Inhabitants they follow up with this research and enrich it by working with extensive costume and music.
The event can take place thanks to the financial support of the Czech Ministry of Culture, the State Cultural Fund and the City of Prague.