In the course of her two-month residency at INI Space, Julie will invite the viewers to encounter her work and create a platform for meeting and sharing via a series of discussions, live actions, screenings or cocktail parties. During this residency, the space will be continuously modified in collaboration with the ANUP studio – an artistic joinery by Radko Bukovský. Both local and international guests – art theoreticians, curators, artists, exhibition architects or designers will be joining the events.
16th March 2018 8pm Meubles and Stůl
discussion with Radko Bukovský / ANUP, Than Hussein Clark and Julie Béna, moderated by Michal Novotný.
What is decorative? What is it to sit or not to sit, to invite to lie down or to propose to watch? Why is there bad taste, why the vulgar can become chic, and why modernism died few decades ago?
On the 16th, let's be mediocre, affected, cruel and artificial, and let's play a pantomime
7th March 2018 7pm Papers and Plume

With Anna Daučíková, documentation celine duval, Dominique Hurth, Valentýna Janů, Hanne Lippard, Marie Tučková. With all of them personally on the spot...

...an evening oriented towards body/posture, language/words and printed artefacts. Three movies, discussion, a break and 4 performances. Join us for 3 hours, to hear, see, listen and watch.
We will not forget to feed you, take it as a promise!
24th February 2018 7 pm Current World Population

Curators Margaux Bonopera and Cédric Fauq present a discussion “Current World Population”. Under the title of the event lies a range of questions, among which:

How can curating carve out spaces for resistance?
What are the tools we have to reassess what it means to resist?
How valid is the notion of “current world population” to our work, beyond universalism?
Is there an identifiable enemy?

In coming back to a collaborative project (Turn The Tide) and their respective individual research, Margaux Bonopera and Cédric Fauq will raise questions related to their curatorial practice for an exchange to happen on topics at the intersection of soft forms of activism and historical re-writing through curating.
The first project to be introduced will be Turn The Tide, which seeks to invent new modes of citizenship through an offshore company - its liquidation and share of its ownership -. The project had several iterations since April 2017. It has originally been devised by a cluster of 8 curators at The Royal College of Art in London. Following on this presentation, Cédric Fauq will introduce his recent research informing an upcoming exhibition titled ‘The Colt is Young and Hate’ (Paris, DOC, May 2018), aiming at ‘staging blackness beyond representation’. Finally, Margaux Bonopera will present her research about the ZAD, an alternative political system which emerged in France during the 70’s as a reaction to extreme urban development all over France.

9th February 7 pm: Karina Kottová in conversation with Julie Béna

Stretch a stocking on the tip of your foot. Draw the theatre curtain aside and unwittingly consider a shadow juggling with fruit, which you have just revealed. Seat yourself comfortably; the cocktails will come in a moment. This could be a possible tutorial to enter the work of the Prague-based French artist Julie Béna (1982). Béna, active across the institutions of the global art world (e.g. Palais de Tokyo, Paris, Kadist Foundation, San Francisco or The Luminary, St. Louis) is not yet a discovered phenomenon for a vast majority of the Czech art scene and general public. In her installations and videos, the artist draws inspiration from features of theatre, film or literature – fragments of theatre sets, actors’ artifacts or the effects of staging. She works with references to pop culture or design aesthetics, creating associations with the notions of „French Look / Vintage / Glamour“. Coquetterie is translated into means of expression addressing deeper meanings. Gestures, which are together with intuition and humor crucial to Béna’s work, are often placed within subversive contexts. However, the touch of sarcasm goes hand in hand with high social sensitivity, revealing a mature and strong artistic language.